Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007
Ein Gipfel für das Urheberrecht
Urheberrecht, international tene, 00:15h
Heute und morgen findet in Brüssel der Erste Copyright-Gipfel
statt. Organisiert wird der Gipfel durch International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC)
, der Dachgesellschaft von Verwertungsgesellschaften aus aller Welt.

Themen der zwei Tage sind:
Emert, Monika: Urheberrechtsgipfel diskutiert Künstlerentlohnung in der digitalen Welt via heise online
Opening of the first "Copyright Summit", an Initiative of CISAC to be held in Brussels on May 30th – May 31st CISAC
Conference Programme Copyright Summit

The global debate on the future of copyright has reached fever pitch in the industrial, political and creative arenas, and the Copyright Summit will be the premiere cross-industry forum for the open exchange of ideas on the notion, value and future of copyright as well as the role of creators and the collective management of authors' rights.Teilnehmer kommen von Unternehmen wie Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, EMI, sind Drehbuchautoren und Songwriter, stammen von Creative Commons oder sind europäische Politiker. Für eine große Bandbreite der Teilnehmer ist also gesorgt.
It affords authors, artists, creative industry leaders, content service providers, broadcasters, telecom operators, technology experts, political figures, and policy-makers the rare opportunity to meet face-to-face, examine the issues from all angles and forge the best path toward the future.

Themen der zwei Tage sind:
- I've Seen The Future
- Creators in a Digital World
- A new world for creativity?
- IP & Copyright - Can Rights Owners Get Some R.E.S.P.E.C.T?
- The value of copyright in the 21st Century.
- Should it be free for all... really?
- Author's societies - building a new model!
- Authors' Rights as the Guarantor of Cultural Diversity
- The Value of Content in the 21st Century
- Understanding Mobile and Online Licensing Systems
- New Revenue Streams... Where's the money?
- Creative Industries and Consumer Protection
- Online Content in the Information Society
- How can technology improve rights management?
- Can creators and technology/service providers find a common ground?
- Are Creators' Works like Any Other Goods?
Emert, Monika: Urheberrechtsgipfel diskutiert Künstlerentlohnung in der digitalen Welt via heise online
Opening of the first "Copyright Summit", an Initiative of CISAC to be held in Brussels on May 30th – May 31st CISAC

Conference Programme Copyright Summit